Ankeny Schools meets with IABJ

Three members of the lABJBoard met with representatives of the Ankeny School District including Superintendent Dr. Erick Pruitt on Wednesday in response to last week's unfortunate situation with KCCI Reporter Lauren Johnson.

The conversation was extremely beneficial for both sides and we appreciate Ankeny officials sharing their account. The district was again apologetic about how things went down with Ms. Johnson before and shared its plans to ensure that future board meetings will have plenty of room for the general public as well as the media.

Dr. Pruitt also shared with us the district's plan to make sure future diversity, equity, and inclusion training in Ankeny will take into account how words can mean one thing to one community and something very different to another to try and avoid interactions such as the one Ms.Johnson experienced.

Thank you to Dr. Pruitt, Ankeny School Board Vice President Ryan Weldon, and Public Information Officer Samantha Aukes for taking this matter seriously, listening to us, offering tangible solutions, and expressing remorse for Ms. Johnson's feelings.

Again, we appreciate Ankeny officials holding themselves accountable and look forward to our members continuing what has primarily been a positive relationship in covering the happenings in one of lowa’s largest and fastest-growing school districts.

lowa Association of Black journalists



2022-2023 new executive team


A message from Madame President on Ankeny schools