2022-2023 new executive team

Pictured is Ty Rushing, 2022-2023 president, of the Iowa Association of Black Journalists.

I am honored to take over the title of president of the lowa Association of Black Journalists from Tisia Muzinga who is the reason IABJ even exists.

I also want to welcome our new board members Taj Simmons and Dana James - although until last week Dana was a board member in everything but title - to the table.

I look forward to doing great work with y'all alongside fellow board members Nixson Benitez and Dwana Bradley.

Again, all of this is possible thanks to our founder, Tisia Muzinga, who has entrusted us with her baby.

Without Tisia's advocacy, commitment, and dedication our chapter would still be a pipe dream; however, thanks to her we are here and we can be a resource to Black and Brown journalists across lowa, something I never imagined seeing when I moved here to start my career in 2013.

It's cliche to say I'm following in some big footsteps - especially when I wear a size 15 - but that saying perfectly describes what it is like being president after Tisia, and I vow to do my best.

Ty Rushing

President of the Iowa Association of Black Journalist

Black Journalists


2023-2024 Executive Team


Ankeny Schools meets with IABJ